We are eager to host the UC Dry Bean Field Day once again! Please mark your calendars and join us on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 from 9:00am to 11:30am at UC Davis. The field day will feature presentations from UC Davis and UC Cooperative Extension researchers. The agenda is below, and a downloadable version is available at the bottom of this post.
We are mindful of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic and are following safety precautions to keep everyone safe. Therefore, pre-registration for the event is required. There is no registration fee, but the registration survey will help us in the event there is a need for contact tracing. Please visit https://tinyurl.com/ucbean21 to register. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you later this month.
9:00 am General Introduction, Paul Gepts, UC Davis
9:10 am Improving Both Productivity and Nutritional Quality in Beans, Christine Diepenbrock, UC Davis
9:20 am Garbanzo Drought Tolerance Genetic Study, Claire Spickermann, UC Davis
9:30 am Applying Novel Sensor Technology to Studying Lygus Interactions in Lima Bean, Kimberly Gibson, UC Davis
9:40 am Green cotyledon and Growth Vigor Research, Varma Penmetsa, UC Davis
9:50 am Lima Bean Breeding and Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery, Antonia Palkovic, UC Davis
10:00am Dry Bean Research Update: Seed Treatments, Plant Growth Regulators, USDA Garbanzo Variety Trials, Rachael Long UC Cooperative Extension
10:15am Nitrogen Fertility in Common Beans following Whole Orchard Recycling, Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UC Cooperative Extension
10:30am Travel to Agronomy Field Headquarters
10:40am Release of New Bean Varieties with Heirloom-like Seed Patterns, BCMV Resistance, and Improved Yields, Travis Parker, UC Davis
10:50am Post-emergence Herbicide Options for Broadleaf Weed Control in Blackeye-beans, Jose Luiz Carvalho de Souza Dias, UC Cooperative Extension
11:00am UC Blackeye Variety Trial Updates, Sarah Light, UC Cooperative Extension and Bao-Lam Huynh, UC Riverside
11:10am Travel to Campbell Tract Field
11:20am Physiological Breeding for Drought Resilience in Common Bean, Tom Buckley, UC Davis
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